Friday, October 7, 2011


Fanfiction, fan fiction, fanfic, FF, whatever.  I didn't know what it was up until a few months ago when I was reading an article somewhere (probably on Cracked).  If you don't know what it is, here's a quick summary:  fanfic is the unauthorized--but not technically illegal because most authors/creators don't care--creation of a story based on characters from anything with a wide fan base (Star Wars and the Mario&Luigi universes are favorites, as well as anime stuff I'm not going to bother to type out); this includes real-life celebreties, which is extra creepy.  Why do I say extra? Because some fanfic can be of a sexual nature, gay and straight; however, some stories are just an innocent expansion on a story (ie how was Luke's life growing up in between the SW trilogies?).  Unfortunately, the first kind is very popular.  And most all fanfic is written by women, so it's pretty angsty. 

When I found out, I thought What the hell is wrong with people?  Why do they ruin my favorite nerdy obsessions?  Honestly, people need to leave Kirk and Spock alone.

The obvious sexual tension is in the pink lighting.

But I've decided to not judge all of it based on second-hand info.  Therefore, I'm actually going to read fanfic (not the inappropriate kind, guys, I don't roll like that) and see for myself if it's as angsty and emotional and sappy as it's made out to be.  As a side note, you should know that I am the most stoic girl you will probably never meet, so this should be fun? Yeah, fun!

Like going to the dentist...

Alrighty, time to pick...hmm...I love Star Wars, and therefore I've played Knights of the Old Republic (I know, neeeerrd). There was a little 'romance' thing that happened with the main character and another character, and it wasn't really developed well.  *Note, if, for some reason you haven't played this game since it was released in 2003, there are spoilers.  Also, stop procrastinating, because eight years? Seriously.*  Let's see if some middle-aged housewife did better than the game writers at creating fake love!

She looks like a gamer.

A google search for 'good female revan/carth fanfic" (Revan is the female, Carth the male) leads me to, to somebody who calls themselves Lady Revan (dear Lord, help me now) and has a few stories dedicated to these two characters.  Mkay, at least she seems to care about the characters.  In the interest of time, I will read one of the shorter stories.  Here we go. (If you want a link to the fanfic, here you go)

"You okay?" he asked.
I didn't say anything. I looked at his face, then down at his hand holding my arm, then back up at him. Carth apologized, releasing his grip. We stood there looking at each other, only the sound of the burning fire and snapping twigs and branches breaking the uncomfortable silence.

-Okay, trying not to be judgemental, trying not to be cynical, but this is getting too emotional.

Carth sighed. "I tried to follow after you… lost you when you ran off…" He shook his head. "Look, I just—"
"You just what?" I snapped.
"I wanted to come with you when we landed, but you ran off before I could say anything." His face fell. "I… I've walked a dead planet before. It's not something you should do alone. I wanted to make sure you'd be all right."

-Alright.  Bringing in character history and personality; I appreciate that.  At least it makes the fanfic more...realistic?  If that word can be applied to a fictional story about a fictional story.

I heard Carth call to me a second time, his voice louder. He wasn't yelling, he was walking after me. I wanted to scream for him to leave me alone, to go back to the ship and take his pet droid with him. I didn't need him hovering over me, lecturing me again how I was the one who killed his wife, possibly adding that I killed everyone on this planet, too. I didn't need to hear the truth again.

-This doesn't read as desperate as I thought it would, and the author now expands on the main character.  I'm actually interested in what happens next.  Sort of.  Maybe.

I wanted to feel loved by someone.
I wanted that person to be Carth.
His arms loosened their hold around me. He asked me if I was okay, and I nodded. "You sure?" he asked.
Our eyes met. "No," I whispered.

-No, sorry, can't do it.  The author officially lost me at "our eyes met."  The writing was good for an amateur, and certainly better than others that I perused in the search for a fanfic to blog about, but it's just too damn sappy.  If you like it, I am very happy for you, because again I'm not saying it was bad.  The tenderness *gag* of the story just made me nauseous--as indicated by the gag--and that's because I'm a cynical old codger.

This is me reading fanfic.

If you're feeling especially angsty one day, I recommend this as way to relieve that mindset.  Have you ever been afraid while watching a horror movie, but the person next to you is just losing it so you have to be brave for them?  Think of fanfic as that screaming, terrified person and you as the one who's thinking I have to tough it out, if only so that I don't act like that. 

I closed my eyes and let him guide me back to the ship, hoping that things would get better, both with our Star Map journey, and between us.

-Yeah, I just threw up.

Stay colorful,

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