Sunday, February 26, 2012


I won't lie to you--I've been replaying Mass Effect 1&2 for the past month.  And I haven't stopped searching for updates on the third game coming out March 6th, watching trailers, reading interviews of developers, and reading books about the ME universe like it was part of my curriculum (don't even ask what this obsession has done to my school life).
I'm learning the science of the FUTURE!!  That counts for class credit, right?

Mass Effect isn't the idol in my life.  It's a game--a fun one, too--but just a game.  Though after I talk about how excited I am for the release of Mass Effect 3, you may not believe me.  I'm not a crazy fanatic, I promise!  Though I'll warn you, the lingo I'm going to use may only make sense if you've played.

BioWare made this crazy fictional world, pushed me into it, and essentially dared me to play through the game as many times as I could in as many different ways as possible.  Challenge accepted, because I've played through the game three times and I've only brushed the surface of this 'universe'.  One canon Paragon-ish FemShep and two Renagade Sheps (Man and Fem), about 150 hours, and a whole lot of late night gaming has prepared my mind and body for Mass Effect 3, but let me tell you about why I'm really excited...(even if you don't care to hear) (also, spoilers)

I Killed a Lot of People

I love that BioWare made a game where actions have consequences, rather than just allowing somebody to shoot up the place and walk away, a la Grand Theft Auto.  I don't love how this fact was only made known to me after I failed to talk a crew member out of going crazy-- he subsequently got shot by another soldier.  I learned this lesson again after I had to leave someone behind to get blown up.  And after I saved thousands of soldiers rather than three politicians and their crew.  But I did save some bug-looking aliens!  I did something right there, I think.

Now it's time to see how that'll turn out.  In the second game, that crazy-now-dead alien's brother came into power, and I don't know if I trust him.  Aliens think all of humanity is made up of racists because those thousands of soldiers I saved happened to be human, and the politicians weren't.  No alien race is going to want to help take back Earth now, I bet.  Damn bug people better pull through for me in the third game, because I have a feeling nobody else will. 

Yeah, they look reliable.

The Gang's Back Together

Granted, Wrex died, Ashley was nuked, and Liara is always trying to get in my pants, but other than that I'm happy the old crew will all be together again.  Yeah, two of the three I actually liked were with me in the second game...okay, fine, you got me.  I'm thrilled Kaidan's back, alright?  I couldn't be more excited about the fact that he's back with my canon FemShep--even though he was a douche to her in the second game.

"Why didn't you contact me?"  I was in a coma, dumbass.
How he got promoted to a higher military rank than me is something I'll never know; he died at the drop of a hat in ME1.

Saving the Day in Style

I'm not the kind of person who spits on developers if they don't make something to a specific high-res standard; I still play old clunky games, if they're good of course.

This is the Uncanny Valley.

But hey, the third Mass Effect shows a lot of improvement from the first game (made in 2007).  I would show you the difference between ME2 Shepard and horseface ME1, but I promised myself I would never think back to how bad the character creation process was.  My point is that they came so far from first installment to sequel, and I'm pumped to play in an even awesomer looking world.  Oh, and to get Shep a new hairstyle.  Aaand I think I'm a little involved...

They're my frieeeeends!

Yeah, I think I'll to people.  Or something.

Stay colorful,

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