Thursday, April 26, 2012

Femshep is Disappoint

Hahahahahaha!  Hohohohoho!  Gu...guffaw?  That's a thing right?


If you're wondering what I'm laughing about, just look at my previous two posts.  The Mass Effect 3 ones.  Fans of the franchise who've played it will know why I'm type-chuckling; for the rest of you unenlightened individuals, I'll humor you.  *Warning:  I WILL be talking about ME3's ending, so SPOILERS WILL ROBINSON!  SPOILERS!*

WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE (insert curse-word adjective) ENDING????!!!!  (insert slew of profanities in multiple languages, some involving Casey Hudson's mother)

Yeah, video game enthusiasts are aware of what I speak.  They have their opinions, whether or not they liked the ending (I say ending in the singular, because the only difference was the (insert more all-caps swearing) THREE DIFFERENT COLORS!)  But a kajillion million websites, magazines, and bloggers like myself have already contributed to the mass (get it?) hysteria of all-caps debates and critiques of the game's ending.  And yeah, I'm burning myself here.  I just want to vent, if it's alright.  Even if it isn't, you're not here to say nay, so I'm going to go ahead and write my thoughts on the matter.

First off, it's my favorite video game of all time.  But wait you might say.  I thought you hated the ending?  All-caps, man.  Not a good sign.  Good point, hypothetical reader, and let me explain.  I complain because up until the last ten or so minutes (where the WTF began), I was loving it like so many McDonald's slogans.  I laughed, I cried, I cursed at the villains and rejoiced when I reunited with old characters.  None of that is exaggeration, by the way.  And the ending, when I said my *choking sob* final goodbye to, this was the first, and thus far only, game I've ever cried during.  EVER.  Powerful writing, when combined with stunning graphics and more-than-decent gameplay, made a game I was prepared to name my first born after.

So what the Hell?  As an astute video blogger said, (and I paraphrase) did some random person just walk in, with no knowledge of the series, and write the ending?  Literally NONE of the decisions I made during my 90 or so hours of gameplay (that's just my canon femshep) made a friggin difference in how the game ended, or whether or not Shepard lived (hint:  kill off whoever you want, because the only thing that saves you is THE DAMN MULTIPLAYER).  Not cool, and not the multiple personalized endings we were promised.

Yeah, I know, Indoctrination Theory and such.  And when I heard about it, I flipped a mental desk.  I was all Hell yeah!  Space magic is DONE!  SCREW YOU STAR CHILD!!  I literally flipped off the screen when that kid showed up (in my other two playthroughs--the first time I was too confused, thinking I had made a bunch of wrong choices up until that point) (I was still under the assumption my decisions mattered). 

I didn't do this, though.  I strictly aimed for the face.

But what's all this talk of "We're proud of our work" and "We just want to clarify the ending" and "We didn't know people would want closure in their ending"?  Does this mean no Indoctrination?  Sh*tty ending stays?  My best-case-scenario includes BioWare saying "Just kidding!  You guys figured out the Theory sooner than we expected, so we just said all that 'artistic integrity' crap to throw y'all for a loop.  Oh, and we're making ten more games in the ME universe!  Enjoy!!"  Fine, I don't need the last part (but what if they did?  That would be awesome! provided the endings didn't suck), but I really hope that's what they're up to.  I don't know, if anyone has thoughts, feel free to comment in a censored, polite manner.

If you made it this far, then thank you for reading one of a bazillion trillion rants.

Kaidan salutes you.
Stay colorful,

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